MATLAB Simulink

MATLAB Simulink

MATLAB Simulink

Simulink is an input/output device GUI block diagram simulator.
  • Simulink contains a Library Editor of tools from which we can build input/output devices and continuous and discrete time model simulations.
  • To open Simulink, type in the MATLAB work space

Simulink also allows you to draw lines manually between blocks or between lines and blocks. 

To connect the output port of one block to the input port of another block: Position the cursor over the first block’s output port. The cursor shape changes to crosshairs. Right click and drag the crosshairs to the input of the destination block to make the connection.

Simulink uses numerical integration to solve dynamic system equations. Solver is the engine used for numerical integration.

To run the simulation we 1st need to enter the values of R and C.

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 By clicking on this link. 

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